11:00 - 12:30: Review and discuss current treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Degenerative disc disease (DJD), subluxation of the spine, head forward posture and impact on the muscles and joints for function and dysfunction. Review Dr. Janet Travell trigger point injections, radiating pain patterns, and treatment technique for muscles in each region of the body. Ergonomics and workstation review: how this impacts the musculoskeletal system, ways to improve and educate patients on workstation.
12:30 - 1:30: Palpation exam/practice
1:30 - 2:00: Break/Lunch
2:00 – 3:50: Trigger point injections: Temporalis, Pterygoid, Splenius, Levator Scapula, SCM, Scalenus, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Rhomboid, Trapezius, QL, Glute Max/Min.
3:50-4:00: Break
4:00 - 6:00: Ultrasound Machine Basics Shoulder Joint: Lateral Sub-Acromial approach, Bicep Tendon/Anterior, Posterior Glenohumeral, AC joint. Elbow: Lateral and Medial epicondylitis. CMC, MCP, Trigger Finger. Homework: videos to review.